Travelling with art supplies
Travelling (and specifically flying) with art supplies seems to be a minefield of what supplies you can and can’t take, what will or won’t be allowed on the plane. I thought I’d write what I have found out so far so you can use this as a starting off point if you need to travel with paints too - perhaps to one of my art retreats! Please note, you must check with your own airline before flying though, as each airline may differ. This is a guideline only. Also I’m writing this in March 2023, so if you’re reading it another time, there might be different regulations by then.
Firstly, I’d always put art supplies in the hold rather than the cabin. I have heard people saying the cabin is fine, but bear in mind the allowance for liquid is really low (100ml bottles I believe). I would recommend putting them in the hold.
Put all your acrylic paints (or other water based paints) into a plastic zip lock bag. Wrap each individual tube in something too incase they burst. Then label that zip lock with “Water-based Art colours”. Don’t use the word “paint” as “paint” is listed under dangerous goods (but mostly refers to DIY type paints and solvents). Do the same for each zip lock you have.
I’d suggest not travelling with oil paints if you haven’t used oils before. If you are travelling with oil paints, do the same as above. Make sure they not listed as hazardous (see below)
Try not to take any mediums with you, but if you do, you need to check to see if they are listed as dangerous. Do they have a hazardous warning on the label? If so, check the brand for their flash point. This means the temperature at which they might self-combust. Then check the airlines level of flash point. If your items are above the airlines flashpoint level they should be safe to travel with, if not they will be prohibited.
Leave a large note on top of your art supplies saying “Art Supplies. The airline defines non-flammable goods as those with flash points above xxx(put in the airline flash point). These items have higher flash points of xxx and above. Their data sheets list them as non-hazardous”. Leave a copy of the data sheets (as evidence) and a phone number for the brand they can call if in doubt and your own contact number.
If you will be oil painting, keep in mind the paintings will not be dry by the time you travel home. You may wish to take a panel carrier with you to keep the boards separated when travelling (see video in links section below). You won’t need panel carriers with water-based paintings as they will be dry.
If painting on papers, you may wish to bring a mailing tube with you so you can roll the papers up and put them in the tube. You can then either post the papers home or pack them in your bags. Just an idea
Put brushes and palette knives in a zip lock and label what they are. Palette knives will have to go into the hold and not the cabin.
If using oils, I recommend you buy your solvents in your destination country once you get there. Please check there is an art supplies store in your destination.
Other optional items you may wish to bring with you:
Water-based paints you may wish to consider are acrylics (heavy body or fluid), inks (I love Daler Rowney FW), gouache, watercolours and water-soluble crayons such as neo-colour.
Stick to a limited palette rather than bringing too many colours.
An empty water jar (for when painting out on location)
If using oils, a vessel for cleaning brushes in
a sketchbook
Disposable paper palettes or other type of small palette
an apron
low-tack masking tape or artists’ tape (for securing paper to drawing boards)
etching and mark-making tools
chalk pastels, graphite and/or charcoal sticks (especially for sketching)
art papers or art pads for working on. e.g watercolour paper, cartridge paper or mixed media paper. Personally I prefer around 200 - 240 msg thickness. As big as you can fit.
some small canvas panels or art boards for painting on. These could be about 3mm thick. You may wish to pre-gesso them so they are already prepared for painting. Otherwise you will need to bring gesso (a primer) with you
a sun hat, sun glasses, suntan lotion and a water bottle. A rucksack for carrying items on an excursion
a phone or iPad for taking photos on location
Full Plein Air painting equipment - only if you have it anyway. If you don’t, don’t worry as I don’t have it. One day I’ll do a full blog post about plein air equipment.
Mostly I’ll be providing drawing boards and table easels on the retreats where possible
Here are some useful links you may wish to check out, regarding travelling with art supplies:
You don’t need full plein air equipment for my retreats. Just some paints, brushes, sketchbook, palette and papers will suffice. You can take as little or as much as you wish. If working with just water-based media you don’t need panel packs for transporting wet boards.
We will share paints where possible and make it work, so please don’t worry
Any questions as always, send me a message.
Comment below on your travelling with art supplies experience, or please feel free to make any recommendations!